VCRA Newsletter

CanWest Flooring

VRCA supports creating temporary COVID-19 sick pay program

The VRCA has signed a joint letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau supporting his intention to work with provincial governments to establish a temporary sick pay program for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.  LEARN MORE

Close Out a Construction Project

Getting a project to substantial performance, and then to total performance, are two of the most difficult milestones in the construction industry to achieve. Join us starting June 18 and be introduced to best practices that will expedite and simplify the takeover of a project by its owner from the contractor.  LEARN MORE

Last call! VRCA’s Three Divisions – Dealing with additional risks and costs associated with COVID-19

The emergence of COVID-19 has affected business operations across all sectors of the economy and, in the case of construction, has created additional risks, costs and questions about who will carry those risks. During this session, an interactive panel discussion will address the COVID-19 related financial and contractual risks on a construction project and how to deal with them.  | REGISTER NOW 

Construction Job Centre

Getting a project to substantial performance, and then to The Construction Job Centre is an industry-specific, customized database that allows employers from all corners of BC to promote job opportunities in the construction industry to thousands of job seekers.